The Outsider by Stephen King

A perfect blend of horror and murder mystery with a touch of supernatural.

The Outsider by Stephen King

Genres: Horror, Mystery
Published: 22nd May, 2018
Series: N/A
Rating: 5

An unspeakable crime. A confounding investigation. At a time when the King brand has never been stronger, he has delivered one of his most unsettling and compulsively readable stories.
An eleven-year-old boy’s violated corpse is found in a town park. Eyewitnesses and fingerprints point unmistakably to one of Flint City’s most popular citizens. He is Terry Maitland, Little League coach, English teacher, husband, and father of two girls. Detective Ralph Anderson, whose son Maitland once coached, orders a quick and very public arrest. Maitland has an alibi, but Anderson and the district attorney soon add DNA evidence to go with the fingerprints and witnesses. Their case seems ironclad.
As the investigation expands and horrifying answers begin to emerge, King’s propulsive story kicks into high gear, generating strong tension and almost unbearable suspense. Terry Maitland seems like a nice guy, but is he wearing another face?

It’s not a secret that I’m love with Stephen King’s writing. Small, seemingly unnecessary details scattered around, dry, often sarcastic humour, brilliantly drawn characters and flawless dialogues. What more can I ask for? Even though his books tend to be on the longer side, reading his stories never feels tedious.

The Outsider deals with a situation that is very typical to most of King’s books. Something horrible happens, and people try to find a rational explanation for it. Even when there’s mounting evidence to prove the contrary, they’d rather just look the other way and live in denial. Because of course, true to himself, the Master weaved the supernatural into a murder investigation so seamlessly, that the constant reader is left wondering: have none of these people ever read Stephen King? Hello?!

So, let’s see what we got here…

  • A brutal murder case, with some pretty graphic imagery.
  • Small town vibes.
  • Ralph Anderson, the lead detective, who may just have screwed this one up really badly, but is nevertheless so relatable (I mean, we all would have done the same, most likely). I could totally imagine being married to a dude like him. Just sayin’… You know, casually helping solve murder cases during breakfast.
  • Yune Sablo, the detective’s sidekick. I read all his lines in a Spanish accent, even though I’m pretty sure he actually didn’t have one. But he did speak some Spanish, so there you have it.
  • A creepy ass killer who wears other people’s faces.
  • Holly Gibney, the kick ass private investigator who debuted her talents in Mr. Mercedes. (If you haven’t read that series yet, you totally should. It’s worth it, even if just for Holly.) She’s a serious movie geek, and a socially awkward badass lady in spite of her struggles with mental health issues.
  • Good, old fashioned investigation that eventually leads to some hair raising discoveries.
  • An eclectic assemble of great characters who go on a crazy adventure cross-country.
  • A thrilling page turner.
  • The story alternating with snippets of the police interviews gives a peculiar flavour to the mix.

To me, reading a Stephen King book always feels like wrapping myself into a comfy blankie I had for ages, sinking into the familiar warmth, just to have my ass bitten by some unspeakable creature hiding in its folds.

Love it!




  1. Stephen King is is king of writing (Fangirling) 🙂😍 I seriously need to read this one after your review 💗 I am glad that you had a great start with reading.
    Happy reading for the new year 🌸🎀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great review, I love Stephen King and his writing as well. I’m planning on revisiting some of his books. I can absolutely relate to the comfy blanket analogy.
    I’m glad you loved this book, sounds like an awesome read.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Norrie you really have found your unicorn author here! I am happy for you! He is so good that I haven’t been able to read one of his books as my blood pressure is skyrocketing every time I do!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just cannot read his books. I’ve tried, believe me. And while every one seems to love him, I find him, well, repulsive, or, I should say, his stories, well, at least the one’s I’ve tried to read. Maybe I’m just not reading the right books. Or I just don’t get it. Even so, you write a compulsive review.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow. Now that’s a review! I’ll be waiting for about twenty years for my library hold to come in, but I will definitely read it when I can get my hands on it. I really need to make more time to read more of his work.

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  6. Probably the best King novel I’ve read in a while! He’s written some duds in recent years, books like Under the Dome where he has a great idea but then just flubs the ending. I gotta say this one was quite addictive all the way through though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes. Under the Dome… i really loved how it started out and the proper small town atmosphere and then that ending… i didn’t know what hit me :/


    1. She’s so cool!
      First she appeared in Mr. Mercedes and poor woman was a proper wreck. It was lovely to see her progress throughout the trilogy and then here 🙂


  7. I have never read King, amazingly enough. Although the Castle Rock series intrigued me with all the Easter eggs and references- I love it when a bookish universe has a lot of depth like that. Anyway I have to say this one sounds pretty good and creepy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh really? I think if you liked the series you would also enjoy the books 🙂 You could pick the ones they referenced in the show so you’d have some familiar characters 🙂


  8. Love the book picture! I haven’t read any Stephen King in a while, but totally get what you mean about how reading a favourite author is like snuggling into a blanket ahaha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, makes sense 🙂
      I remember when i kept telling my mum to try a King book, but she didn’t want to cuz she doesn’t like horror. So i made my mission to find one she’d enjoy.
      Eventually she picked up Hearts in Atlantis and enjoyed it a lot 🙂 Compared to this one, Hearts is less gruesome.

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  9. You’re making me feel super guilty for not having read a Stephen King book yet! The length of his books are definitely intimidating, but I’ve found most of his ideas to be interesting. I should really get around to reading one already!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww ❤
      Yes, he's books tend to be on the chunky side 😀
      Some of the shorter ones are Carrie, Dolores Claiborne, Gerald's Game – these are under 400 pages.


    1. Oh, that was such a cool book! I found a copy of that in my local library when i was a teen, and i was super happy about it cuz at that time there was no recently published version.

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  10. Beautiful review, I can’t wait to get my own copy of the outsider and add it to my collection of Stephen king novels. I just recently finished the 15th novel I’ve read of his “The Eyes of the Dragon.” and my love for his storytelling abilities hasn’t wavered even one bit. Thanks for the review (;


    1. Thank you!
      Oh, i loved the Eyes of the Dragon! Can’t remember much of the plot cuz it was like 15 years ago when i read it, but i do remember it was school holiday and i stayed in bed all day to read 😀

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