Crazy Lady with the Blankie Receives the Liebster Award

Well I never! Zooky @Book Bum got me liebstered (not a word, but it should be), and I’m more than happy to answer her questions. Mainly so I get the chance to grill some of my blogging buddies in return.

#1 What is the longest slump you’ve ever been in?

I refuse to acknowledge the existence of slumps, so I’m never in one. It’s all a matter of perspective. I have times when I feel like doing something else, you see. Like watching Netflix series, or playing video games for weeks on end. During summer I fell back in love with The Secret World Legends. Such an amazing game and an incredibly complex story involving mythology, Native American and Eastern European folklore, Illuminati, Templars and even references to Stephen King’s and H.P. Lovecraft’s works.

#2 Do you prefer ARCs or finished copies of books?

Ok, hands up if you prefer ARCs! Just curious… I prefer the finished version because... Well, it’s finished, and formatted nicely. Duh. I like nice things.

#3 What is your favourite review you’ve ever written (not based on views/likes, but your feelings)?

The briefing note for Illuminae. That was fun to write.

#4 What was the last song you fell in love with?

Ugh, don’t know? I’ve been just plain miserable lately, sitting in the dark, in silence, watching my bloody murder documentaries… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

#5 What type of YouTube videos do you most commonly watch?

I have a very eclectic selection, but lately what’s on almost all the time is this true crime documentary series called Female Killers, exercise videos by Abby Pollock, and Dr Hope’s Sick Notes. *heart eyes*

#6 Do you have a favourite holiday? If so, why did you pick it?

The ones I get to spend at the beach.

Or did you mean the seasonal ones? Because then I’ll go with Easter. I get my long weekend, and the weather is pretty good around that time of the year to do something fun if I want to. Like two years ago, when I went to Cambridge and got rained on every five minutes. Oh, wait…

#7 Be honest: have you ever bought a book mostly just for its cover?

But of course. Look, it’s so pretty!

I will most likely never read this… Just sayin’

#8 Do you like to keep your books pristine, or “live in” them with highlighters, tabs, annotations, etc.?

Nothing gets lived in around here! Well, maybe my boots, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles, because I have funny shaped feet, so can’t help it.

But I prefer to keep my books looking nice and new. I will never forget the moment when I was showing off a brand new copy of a book I found in the charity shop to my friend and she opened it with such force that I heard a crack. I almost fainted as I carefully pried it from her hands.

#9 What is the most money you’ve ever spent on one book, and would you do it again?

I want to say around £20. Don’t actually remember. It was a Stephen King hardback though, so worth it. Nowadays I wait until books go on sale. I’m not saying I won’t do it again, but as long as I have a cheaper option that’s what I will take.

#10 Do you use any method to keep track of your TBR, like a TBR jar, spreadsheet, notebook, etc.?

I don’t really have a TBR, but I do have a half assed spreadsheet where I make half-hearted attempts to track books I got from Netgalley. Does that count?

#11 Roughly estimate this one: how many more books can you fit on your current shelves before needing a new bookcase?

Roughly none. The situation is pretty much out of control here. I mean, I even have books in my wardrobe…

I wonder if Annemieke, Alexandra, Lili & Tammy would like to answer…

#1 What kid’s movie were you scared of as a child?
#2 How did you pick your blog’s name?
#3 Pineapple on pizza. Yey or ney?
#4 If someone made a film about your life, who would you like to play you?
#5 Do you remember the first ever fancy-dress party you went to? What did you go as?
#6 What do you like to have for breakfast?
#7 Do you cook?
#8 What is one skill or hobby that you’ve always wanted to pursue but haven’t yet?
Also, since I’m feeling pretty uninspired, my bestie chimed in, and she wants to know…
#9 What’s your favourite thing to do in the winter?
#10 What’s the first book you ever read? Do you remember?
#11 What’s your least favourite holiday?


  1. OH GOD I’VE BEEN MISERABLE LATELY TOO!!!!???? sometimes i’ll remind myself that it’s almost Christmas, and that’s nice. but then i just keep eating peanut butter ice cream and doing nothing and frowning. it’s become a problem lskdjflksj

    also, the story you shared about your friend cracking the spine of your book made fall into the fetal position, how horrifying????????? it’s almost as bad as a friend never returning the book they’ve borrowed. i’ve been lamenting my copy of simon v. the homo sapiens agenda today. and being miserable.

    ++i prefer the finished copy tooooo, but ARCs are nice bc they’re free of charge c: c: c:

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  2. I loved your answers here! 🙂 I also prefer finished copies, but my heart really likes ARCs, too, because it always feels like such a privilege to be able to be part of a book’s life that way by reading it early in a copy like that. Or maybe it’s just me, haha 🙂

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  3. If there was ever a movie made on my life (which would be pretty boring, btw), I would want Aubrey Plaza to play me. One, I look like a mix between her and Zoey Deschanel, and Two, she’s pretty freakin amazing. But yeah! Fun tag. It’s nice to see another person that refuses to acknowledge book slumps! I’m a stubborn person, so yeah, they are non-existent. 🙃

    I’ve never heard of The Secret World Legends. It looks fucking awesome, though!

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  4. OMG! I’m laughing at you nearly fainting at your friend almost breaking the spine of new looking book you found at the charity shop. That sounds way too much like me. My books all look like I just bought them. Except … three very, very old books now looking their age. Ah, time, she haz ‘er revenge.

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    1. Hehehe 😀
      I have a few ratty looking ones too. Just read one of those today, and i must admit it was a great feeling to be able to open them properly and actually see what i’m reading. LOL 😀


  5. He he, what a fun post, loved reading your answers. 😂👌

    I have been feeling pretty miserable recently as well. I am definitely not in a Christmas spirit at all this year. Hope we both get out of this funk shortly! ❤️

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    1. I was talking to my friends the other day and they said the exact same thing. No xmas spirit whatsoever!
      I finally decorated the tree yesterday, so that kinda helps, but i just don’t feel like doing anything more… :/

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      1. I can totally relate. We even don’t have Christmas tree this year as it normally takes up too much of space in our small living room.
        I think I’ll start slowly listening to some Czech radio. They will play some old (read cheesy as hell) Xmas songs and that will hopefully cheer me up a bit. Drinking is another option but it tends to have mixed results in my case as I have no self control… Thinking of you! ❤️❤️❤️

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          1. I haven’t been drinking much either as it sometimes backfires and makes me even more sad. But I’m thinking about making mulled wine as our place will smell nice and it’s usually something I can only drink a little bit off. I’m also tempted to bake some Xmas cookies as that could be fun. 😊 Fingers crossed some of those works out. 🤞😊

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    1. Well, i tried a few times. Wrote a list of books i wanted to read in a month, but when it came to it, i either didn’t feel like reading it, or i didn’t own it and didn’t feel like buying them either.
      So i just basically gave up and pick whatever 😀

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  6. Are you still friends with that one who handled your book horrifyingly?? Because😂😂 SO weird though, I’ve been feeling weird lately too. Well, not that weird, coz depression always makes me feel this way but it’s Christmas season and I want to be more festive. But no…it doesn’t feel Christmas to me. if not for my cousin and me hanging out and my attempt of Christmas shopping, i won’t feel the season. 🙂

    Thank you for tagging me Norrie. I would do this before the year ends. 🙂 🙂 I’m excited to answer your questions. Also Im glad I’m not the only one who loves book sales and who have no choice but to keep books in a wardrobe.

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  7. Hahahaha Liebstered! Love your answers, and I adore that floral book cover of The Keeper of Lost Things. I’m not brave enough to watch true crime documentary videos… the My Favourite Murder podcast already makes me paranoid when home alone at night!

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  8. haha liebstered should be a word 😉 I think slumps occurred more to me once I started to say I was in them- so I think it’s probably a good tactic not to acknowledge them 😉 Oh I loved your illuminae review!! Awesome answers!

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  9. Omg the one about your friend cracking the spine of your book made my eyes widen in horror. lol
    I was sooo hyped for Secret World before it came out, when they were just doing all that promotional stuff for it, and then I STILL have yet to play it. lol I’m glad to hear it’s so good, though! I really should make a point to check it out some time. 🙂

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  10. The Secret World Legends game looks & sounds so cool! Did you play it on PC or a console? The Keeper of Lost Things really does have a beautiful cover but, I’m laughing that you’d never actually read it. 😂 I loved reading your answers, as usual! Congrats on the award & Merry Christmas!! ♡

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    1. I play only on pc 🙂
      I don’t think this particular game has a console version. It was quite a popular MMO years ago. Now it doesn’t have that many players, but the storyline itself is worth a play through and it’s more than enjoyable as a solo game too 🙂

      Merry Christma!

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  11. I vaguely remember seeing The Secret World Legends on Twitter but I didn’t know what it was about. But uh it sounds seriously amazing. I may need to check it out…Here’s an early “Norrie, what have you done?!” in case I get addicted. 😀

    Oh and YES to pineapples on pizza! I think the soury sweetness goes super well with the salt. 🙂

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