Sunday Coffee & Blog Hop #6

Howzit, guys?

Over here it’s super cold (for my standards, anyway), so I have the perfect excuse to wrap myself up in my bunny blankie and watch The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina all weekend. It’s so dark and twisted. Nothing like the old series I used to watch when I was a kid. Aunt Zelda is actually proper evil. Love it! There’s also a graphic novel I discovered thanks to Book Beach Bunny.

I’m also totally lost in Zoo City. Eish! It’s actually less of a sci-fi than I expected and more of an urban fantasy, but it’s pretty entertaining, especially if you are as fascinated by South African slang as I am.

That’s a culturally totally inappropriate cheese and spinach pastry btw, in case you were wondering. Should have been a boerwors roll…

Have you ever thought about what a bookworm utopia would look like? If you haven’t, don’t worry, Lashaan has got you covered. He thought of everything I would want as a reader, including the banishing of the tiresome non-readers whose only purpose in life is to dish out unsolicited opinions about books they never read.

I don’t know about you, guys, but according to Marie’s post I’m a walking cliche for sure when it comes to being a bookworm. I have a massive pile of books (a.k.a. Mountain of Doom) I shamelessly hoarded within a few months, but haven’t touched yet. It only seems to grow in size and I spend a considerable amount of time on Instagram staring at pictures of books, which to most non-bookish people still seems like an odd thing to do. Like, my hairstylist found it absolutely bewildering that there are people who take pictures of books and post them there, while his Insta is full of pictures of hair.

Whether you are participating in Sci-Fi Month, or just looking for some old school classics, Alexandra’s list will be a great inspiration and starting point. I’m totally eyeing up The Number of the Beast.

I love it when I find a kindred spirit whose words are so precisely describe how I feel about certain things. Kaleena and I share a passion for science fiction, and all the books she recommended are right up my alley.

We might enjoy different kinds of books, but as Ova pointed out, reading is like dating, and I have to agree.

So, tell me. Who (what book) are you currently dating? Any remorse?


  1. I have started watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as well, it’s dark indeed! 😊

    I’m currently completely lost in Tamora Pierce’s Wild Magic, I adore her writing and love this book to bits.

    Great posts’ selection, thanks for sharing them with us. 💕 Have a wonderful Sunday.

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  2. I’m only two episodes in but Sabrina is a trip so far! Haha very dark!

    I’m currently re- reading The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet for the SciFiMonth readalong.

    Have a great weekend!

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    1. Ah, i planned to join the readalong for The Long Way, but i didn’t manage my time properly. Eventually i’ll read it too. Enjoy & have a good weekend too! 🙂


  3. Love these posts on Sum morning especially as I have not got dressed yet to get a newspaper. I’m on sofa tucked under fluffy sofa but, need to start moving very soon to get to observe 2mins silence.

    I read a Maureen Lee (Princess Park) loved so decided to go for another Maureen Lee … I should have left more time! I want to cheat with new books for this week but, I will be faithful!

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    1. That sounds familiar 😀 Sometimes i just can’t decide what i want to read and when i finally settle on something, i still think “maybe i should have picked the other one”…

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  4. So there is a new Sabrina the teenage witch show? Man, I bet Melissa Joan Hart is rolling around in envy. I checked the trailers and didn’t see a Salem the black cat. Is there a funny sidekick to take his place?

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    1. Salem is in this, but he doesn’t speak 😦 He just meows.

      This new one is proper horror, and there are some cool characters, like the weird sisters and the high priest who are all super creepy.

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  5. I’m currently dating After the Throne by K.B. Wagers. It’s book two in a space opera that I can never seem to get enough of. Gunrunner (secretly a princess) is dragged back kicking and screaming to her empire. In this case, her empire needs an outlaw that can throw down.

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  6. Wonderful post, Norrie! I can’t wait for your thoughts on Zoo City. I am reading one you will absolutely love- The Night Before- a thriller that has me captivated, and also Elmet, which I am absolutely loving, too. My dates are going well! ♥️

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    1. Never? Ooo. Back in my teen years it was very popular. It was cute and fluffy tho, so nothing like the new one 😀

      Happy Sunday to you too! ❤


  7. feeling very fitting for drinking coffee while reading this post. also, i’ve been debating starting Sabrina – now i think i probably will!! & i’m currently buddy-dating The Cruel Prince and feeling…meh. there’s just no SPARK, you feel me?

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  8. Ahh I love these kind of posts and thank you so much for sharing my post, that means a lot ❤ ❤
    I'm with you about looking at book pictures haha, I'm following a lot of bookstagram and admire some people's talent for this SO very much 😀

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  9. I couldn’t agree more about all these great blogs and posts. And thanks for the shout out! And we were considering signing up for Netflix just to see the new Sabrina. Looks like we’ll have to now. 😉

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  10. I’m currently dating Kingdom of Ash, and to be honest, the commitment is frightening me. I’m about half way through this 1,000 page novel, but it’s wonderful so far! Hahaha. And I have yet to watch Sabrina! ❤

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    1. Nice 🙂 Enjoy the date!

      Oh, yes you need to watch it. It’s so different from the original, but i love it 😀 I have one episode left, and didn’t think it can turn even darker, but it did.

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  11. Eish 😀 Loved reading that on your post haha. Its a popular exclamation in Swahili too: D Zoo City sounds like an awesome read. Thanks for sharing all these posts. Have a wonderful week ahead and stay warm 🙂

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  12. I have yet to watch The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, but, hopefully, I’ll binge watch it before the month is over. Well, I’m currently dating Paper Girl and Escaping from Houdini. I hope they don’t find about it. They are so different that it’s really difficult to choose each one to date. =P

    Happy readings! 😉
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

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  13. I am busy with the new Sabrina TV show too and it’s a lot of fun! I did not expect to like it this much, but I love the darkness and the aunts and Ambrose!!

    Zoo City sounds nice – I do love urban fantasies.

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  14. I started watching “Sabrina” over the Halloween weekend because Netflix kept pushing it, and I decided to give it a spin even though I feared that it would be too YA-oriented for my tastes, but so far I’m enjoying myself quite a bit – not least because Miranda Otto as Aunt Zelda is oh-so-delightfully wicked! 🙂

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  15. I used to watch Sabrina the Teenage Witch as a kid too!! Definitely curious about the latest Netflix show though. It has such a distinct vibe though, I’ll probably have a hard time making any associations with the show we watched back in the day. 😛 Thank you for sharing my post too!! Really appreciate that, Norrie!! 🙂

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  16. You know what? I wanted to watch The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina the other day ( because, I too, used to watch the original show back in the day ) but I´m not sure I should. Because I have super high expectations when it comes to dark and twisted stuff. ( I´m a huge fan of french psychological thrillers / horror. The french have such a twisted style )
    I´m currently dating my TBR pile. Now I know the reason why I never touched those reads. I´m about to quit reading altogether because of the nonsense that has been published. The fact that I´ve bought the books doesn´t help, either. Great post!

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    1. I’ve seen a few french thrillers, and crime series and i agree, they were really cool and atmospheric & twisted.
      Based on that i’m not sure where to put Sabrina, but what i enjoyed about it apart from the actual story is: atmosphere, old school setting (it’s set in 70s i wanna say based on fashion, music, etc), and it’s boldly embracing the dark side. Like there’s plenty of occasions where horrible things happen in plain sight, and it’s super creepy. But also captures the fact that Sabrina is at the end of the day a 16 year old girl with teen problems, like friend stuff and being in love 🙂

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        1. I read the first one and i think it was pretty cool. Prefer the tv series tho 😀
          I have amazon prime, so i get to borrow these comics for free so i’m gonna read the rest because it’s enjoyable.

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  17. For a quick, afternoon read, I recommend A Girl Named Zippy, by Haven Kimmel. It’s funny and bittersweet. I’m also reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. Have you read it?

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