Monthly Catch Up #7 – July 2018

When one fails to exercise restraint while browsing NetGalley, one can easily end up spending a whole month reading exclusively advance copies, and still slip with one’s deadlines. Pretty easily. I guess I should feel bad, but after all, now I know what I can and can’t do. Those books will eventually be read, the reviews will be written, and the universe has not come to an end. All is well, and July was amazing.

As I mentioned on Sunday, I visited Malaga this month, and I seriously can’t recommend it highly enough. Such an awesome, chill place! We chose to be lazy and just rolled around in our beach bed every day, but you can easily visit Granada to see the Alhambra or El Chorro, where you can take a scenic walk on El Caminito del Rey. I did that last year, and it was freakin’ awesome. I wouldn’t suggest you do that in the middle of the summer though, unless you enjoy sweating your tits off. But if that’s your thing, then it’s literally perfect.

Last year at El Caminito… You also get to wear a lovely helmet, so expect some sweat puddles and flat hair.

So let’s see what happened in July on Reading Under the Blankie, shall we.

Even though I was on holiday for two weeks, I read less books than I thought I will. Not sure what happened, but at least all the books I read were pretty decent.

Last Time I Lied was also my first ever buddy read! Ova and I had some great fun and I look forward to reading together again after the summer is over.

Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson
The ultimate summer read, with a lot of ice cream.

The Tall Man by Phoebe Locke

The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager
Summer camp has never been so terrifying before.

The Sea Was A Fair Master by Calvin Demmer
Flashfiction, like a boss.

The Girls by Lisa Jewell
A summer party, and a neighbourhood full of secrets.

You Were Made For This by Michelle Sacks
Frenemies in the idyllic Swedish countryside.

Take Me In by Sabine Durrant
When your stalker is the least of your problems.

Toxic by Nicci Cloke
Teenagers doing teenage stuff.

A while ago I received a copy of Manipulated Lives by H.A. Leuschel, but haven’t actually managed to get to it until now. It’s a pretty short book, so I don’t think it will take long to finish, and so far it’s pretty good.

I’m also listening to the audio version of Save the Date by Morgan Matson. It’s frantic as fuck… As an only child I don’t understand most of the sibling drama, but the Grants are such a cool family, I don’t mind their chaos.

I Just Can’t Get Enough – The Top 5 Books I Want To Read Again

When The Plot Is Beside The Point – My 5 Favourite Character Driven Stories

Fried Green Tomatoes, Dead Fruits and Creepy Stuff – Book Haul #8

I’m exercising discipline, and put myself on a NetGalley ban. Since May I only requested two books, but I’m not going to request anything else for the rest of the year. Reading ARCs is fun, most of the time anyway, but I want to read some of the books I actually bought myself recently. #fingerscrossed

I want to continue reading The Dominion trilogy. Only have one more book left and I’m done! I can’t even remember the last time I actually finished a whole series.

Gym is going well, and my bestie will join me next week, so hopefully that will help focus more, and get even more in shape. So far it’s going great. Even though I went on holiday, I managed to continue losing weight, so yay for that! Admittedly, I had no cheesecake and no ice cream while there, only froyo. I freakin’ love it! In case you are wondering, froyo is a totally legit dinner choice.

Froyo with mango sauce is seriously one of the best dinners ever…

At the end of August I’m going to Greece! Yay again! I know it seems like I’m going on an awful lot of holidays, but after this one there won’t be anything until next April, so maybe next time I should spread out my travels a bit more. Strategic planning is not my forte this year, it seems.

I look forward to seeing what you guys are up to!


  1. Your July sounds awesome, love your Netgalley attitude… I’m taking notes! 🙂

    And well done to your fitness progress. It’s always nice to have a workout buddy. Hope you and your friend have lots of fun exercising together.

    El Caminito del Rey is such a cool place. We went to climb in El Chorro 4 years ago and I loved walking down that gorge… minus the hat of course. Not so long ago, it used to be closed off to public and only climbers would do this ‘walk’ using slings / harnesses (via-ferrata style) to secure themselves. I remember seeing sketchy photos of my friends from long ago doing this climb and thinking: I’m so glad they made it ‘public friendly’ so I don’t have to do that with my adventurous bf … 😉 😉 🙂

    I’m going on a month long hiatus but looking forward to hearing all about your Greek adventures when I’m back. Enjoy! 🙂


    1. Oooh, have fun! Are you going away? Or just taking an offline break? 🙂

      I saw the pictures of el caminito before they made it “public friendly”… don’t think i would have done it that way. :/

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  2. I do hope that little doggie isn’t going to get hit by that knife ! The cover has the same feel as the one with those two girls eating an icecream (something with gone in the title I believe).. is it the same author? Climbing there sounds like major fun and that Froyo mmm I’ve never tasted it but it looks delicous!

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    1. Ah yes, Since You’ve Been Gone. Same author. I think i prefer that book to be honest. Much more chilled 😀 This is very dramatic with all wedding planning going wrong…

      OMG, you need to try froyo! Best thing ever! And apparently it has the same benefits as normal yogurt ❤

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  3. Lisa Jewel is an author I’ve always wanted to read. Good luck in lessening your books in NetGalley! It’s always a struggle not to request too many books at a time… And Malaga sounds so fun, lazying around in the beach with no worries sounds literally the best thing ever. Best of luck for August!


    1. I only read one book of hers, but got two more immediately after 😀 I think i like her style and have high hopes for the other books.

      Thank you! And hope you have a wonderful August too ❤


  4. I’ve been thinking about putting myself on a Netgalley ban too. Not because I requested too many and they all were granted but because I want to read some published books that have been sitting in my TBR pile for awhile. I have one ARC that releases in August and after that I’m only requesting something if I desperately want it.
    Malaga looks awesome and I’m sure Greece will be amazing as well. Safe travels!

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  5. Ooooh, hope you’re having a great time on your holidays! I totally agree on the Netgalley thing – I’m usually fairly restrained in requesting things so my Netgalley TBR isn’t too bad, but I do feel guilty when I have ARCs sitting there for months that I haven’t gotten round to reading yet because I’m actually really enjoying reading my own books as well as books from the library! Tbh, ever since they changed the way Netgalley is run (by restricting books by region) I’ve just found myself falling further and further behind because all the anticipated releases aren’t even available here yet!

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    1. Ah, i only use NG since Feb, and i think the regional thing was already there, so i guess it could be worse for me too.

      I think in August i will pick up some of my own books. July was like “i must get rid of these ARCs first”, which is clearly not the attitude i’d like to repeat…


  6. Today is the last day of our holidays, the next break will be Christmas, and just writing that word sends shivers up my spine! Anyway, Netgalley, I signed on, but then, that’s it. I’m not sure I shall ever be active but then, I have way too many real books to read. So, no loss there. Oh, and enjoy Greece, it was alway one of my fav destinations. Just take care there with all these fires. 😳

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    1. Ah, yes, like the attitude!
      I piled up so many books i really want to get through, but now i feel like i need to read the ones from NG first…

      Greece is in my top 3 as well! ❤

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      1. I kept thinking Netgalley might be interesting, but then, I get sent real books by a couple of publishers so, why bother with ebooks? I’m just not a big fan of the format. And I just have so many in my TBR pile.

        Oh, I would love to visit Greece one last time, but being in NA it’s cost prohibitive. Bummer!

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  7. I’m so jealous of your discipline with NetGalley. I have been trying to do that for ages. Weirdly, just reading the first paragraph of this post, made me head to NetGalley. I know… I need help. Currently, I have 26 ARCs but still trying to get some discipline.

    I am so envious of you right now! Greece sounds like a dream. I hope you’ll enjoy it. Glad to hear that gym has been going great. I am on day 6 of working out and every day is a struggle lol. I just want to get home and be lazy but trying to stay motivated. Best of luck to you and your friend.

    Have a lovely month Norrie.

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    1. Oh, oops! Haha, good thing i didn’t include a link to it! 😀

      I really look forward to Greece. Went there 2 years ago (different island tho), and it was a lot of fun.

      What kind of exercise are you doing? 🙂


        1. Oh, Jillian Michaels shred is good! I tried it a few years ago 🙂 I don’t know the other one, but i think it’s a good idea to mix things up. Makes it more interesting. I really liked Zuzka Light as well for home workout. She does short ones, but they are quite intense, and all her stuff is designed to not require going to gym.

          I’m mostly doing exercises in the gym – weights + machines.
          This week i wasn’t feeling that great so just did a few things at home. Like squats and a bit of kettle bell stuff. It’s still quite good.


          1. Thanks for mentioning Zuzka Light. I didn’t know about her. Just watched a few of her workouts on YouTube. You are right about them being short but damn they look intense. I can see how effective they can be. Right now I cannot even do one full press-up but interested in trying out some of her workouts.

            weights + machines sounds great because you are combining strength and cardio. Are you trying to shed or just keep fit?

            I hope you are feeling better now. Its good you managed to still do something at home though.


          2. Right now i’m trying to lose a bit of fat. In general i’m doing strength training, mainly focusing on glutes. I got to the point where my quads were much stronger and it resulted in constant back pain, so i’m kinda trying to balance stuff out 😀


          3. Best of luck to you Norrie 🙂 I am trying to shed off some kilos which magically (pizza and all things sugary) piled on since April. Hope you attain your goal soon. Cheers 🙂

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  8. Ahh I’m so happy you had such a lovely time on holidays – and yay for Greece soon, that’s SO cool! If you can travel, do it as much as you can, that’s my philosophy haha 🙂 I hope you’ll have tons of fun 🙂
    I recently read and loved Save The Date, here’s to hoping you will, too 🙂
    Have a wonderful month! xx

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    1. Thank you!
      I’m trying to squeeze in as much as possible when it comes to travelling. I don’t want to be one of those people who just works all the time and starts travelling at age 65 😀

      Have a great August too! ❤

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  9. hey thanks for the mention!!!
    High five for going to Greece, and what a coincidence, that you are reading Save the Date- just stumbled upon it on GoodReads!!

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  10. Greece is such a dream trip for me! I hope you have a wonderful time 🙂
    I want to get back to All Rights Reserved at some point. I read like the first chapter and liked it but never went back. So many books!

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    1. Thank you!
      All the trips i’ve ever taken to Greece were pretty cool! Hope you have the chance to visit soon! 🙂

      All Rights Reserved was quite good, but it didn’t wow me. I mean, the story and plot, yes. The main characther…? Meh!


  11. I need to learn some of your discipline with Netgalley! I really want to read my own books some, too! The lure of the ARCs is strong! I can’t wait to hear about your trip to Greece and enjoyed hearing about the trip to Spain. Yes, froyo is so yummy and definitely a great sub for ice cream! You’ve had a great reading month! I can’t wait to get to The Last Time I Lied!

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    1. Ah, nothing like the stress that’s coming from wanting to read my own books but feeling bad about it. As my BF pointed out “this should be fun” when i was flapping about… 😀

      I hope you’ll enjoy the Last Time I Lied ❤ 🙂

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  12. Hahaha Norrie I am on a buy book ban after YALC! Plus I’ve decided to be on an ARC ban till January except for authors I really, really adore LOL Enjoy Greece!

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  13. This post made me laugh! I hate months where I’m reading nothing but review copies, but that’s because I (stupidly) let the pressure get to me, and feel like I can’t keep up! As you say though, so what? Have a fab holiday!

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    1. I didn’t see any, but i think it’s possible. There were some areas a bit more crumbly than others.
      We wore green cuz we were with a guide, and people who were”freestyling” wore white. 😀

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  14. I also have issues with exercising self-control on NetGalley. Every time I get my queue back down I go on another requesting spree and then read nothing but arcs (which I am so privileged to have the honor and enjoy, I just sometimes want to read something else). Good luck!

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  15. Sounds like your July was awesome and yaay for getting a gym buddy! Enjoy your travels and vacation and your books! I know what you mean by reading less arcs and more “personal” books because I am in the same boat. I stopped requesting too but it is so hard to stay away from NetGalley!

    Have a lovely August!

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  16. I’m so glad you had such a fantastic July and time in Malaga. 😀
    And yay about the gym going so well. And froyo is a totally acceptable choice for dinner! 😉
    Have a great time in Greece! ❤

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  17. Enjoy Greece! I have seriously cut back on the number of books I get from NG and had a more satisfying reading year because of it – I never realised I had so many good books sitting on my bookshelves


  18. Whaaat you lost weight while on holiday? 😀 Tell me your secrets hahaha!

    Greece sounds awesome! Where exactly are you going? My parents were in love with the Greek islands so we mostly spent our holidays on one of those. I loved Kos and Rhodos! Need to go back at some point… If it wasn’t so far away.


    1. Maybe it’s the froyo! 😀 I don’t know, haha. I’m usually not that hungry when it’s that hot, so it’s easy to resist the temptation of overeating.

      I’ve been to Rodos twice, and it was awesome! I’m going to Corfu this year 🙂

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  19. Oh I know what you mean with Netgalley Norrie. My reading has slowed down the last couple of months with this heat and I still have a stack of e arcs to read for September/October. Tsss. Oh well, we’ll get there.

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  20. Glad to hear how awesome Malaga is! And I totally hear you on them ARCs… I feel like it’s all I read, and with the “slow” reading speed I got, it makes it even harder to even pick up a book that I own and that isn’t an ARC! Slowly getting there though. Hope August will prove to be epic for you, Norrie!

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