A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews

A book filled with Chopin, emotions and pain, A Thousand Perfect Notes is the perfect debut that I’m quite sure will put C.G. Drews on your watchlist.

A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews

Genres: Contemporary, YA
Published: 7th June, 2018 (expected)
Goodreads | Book Depository | Amazon UK
Series: N/A
Rating: 5

An emotionally charged story of music, abuse and, ultimately, hope.
Beck hates his life. He hates his violent mother. He hates his home. Most of all, he hates the piano that his mother forces him to play hour after hour, day after day. He will never play as she did before illness ended her career and left her bitter and broken. But Beck is too scared to stand up to his mother, and tell her his true passion, which is composing his own music – because the least suggestion of rebellion on his part ends in violence.
When Beck meets August, a girl full of life, energy and laughter, love begins to awaken within him and he glimpses a way to escape his painful existence. But dare he reach for it?

It’s rare when a book makes me feel so strongly for the characters that I just want to reach inside the pages, take their hand and whisk them away to somewhere safe. Most of the times I read about adults, and somewhere deep inside I know they are going to be fine eventually. But Beck is 15 years old, and as a teenager has less opportunities to help himself, and that uncertainty I felt the whole time was quite overwhelming.

The friendship that turned into love between Beck and August was so cute and so precious! August, the girl with sunshine in her eyes is everything Beck isn’t. Outgoing, confident, chatty, and most importantly has the sort of family I hope I will have one day. Loving parents who embrace their daughter’s quirky personality and open their arms to Beck, no questions asked.

Beck’s quiet rebellion against his abusive and German-insult-shouting mother – a.k.a. The Maestro as he refers to her – begins after he gets a taste of freedom August just knows as normal daily life and he realizes that what happens to him can happen to his little sister, Joey any day. But can he win? Can a fifteen year old boy really do anything?

So, what can you expect to find in this book?

  • Absolutely beautiful writing. Prose that flows like classical music.
  • An adorable child. In spite of her young age Beck’s little sister Joey has a lot to say, and she says it in a way you want to listen to her. I’m always wary of child characters as they tend to get annoying sometimes, but five year old Joey is pure cuteness.
  • A wonderful family, the Freys. Their house is filled with rescue animals, they love each other and their daughter. Serious life & parenting goals there for me!
  • Music. At one point I actually started playing some classical music in the background while I was reading. It was awesome.
  • A deep exploration into abusive child-parent relationship, written with so much compassion and care.
  • Beck & August: two wonderful kids whom I’d love to meet in the future again.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, and as usual, it did not influence my opinion.

P.S. As I read the advance copy only, I wanted to include this little note C.G. Drews posted on Goodreads.


  1. I really enjoyed this book as well. I thought it was a terrific debut and despite me not reading contemporary I had a blast.
    What did you think of Mastro? I kind of fell sorry for her (not condoning her behaviour but understanding where it was coming from).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ugh, i think you are nicer than me. I could understand her a bit, but violence is never ok to achieve those goals. I was happy with the ending tho… šŸ˜€ it was still kinda hopeful

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 100% with you re violence. I could see how broken she was but yes, her behaviour was absolutely unacceptable. I did like the ending as well. šŸ™‚ Great review Norrie. šŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for doing a review of this one I’ve been looking forward to it but I’ve been admittedly a little unsure because she has such a strong (and excellent) voice on her blog but at the same time I don’t want to read the book and feel like I’m reading her blog. So I’m definitely going to order and give it a go šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Her style does come through, but mostly just in the way certain characters speak. But it’s defo a book to be taken seriously, and nothing like her blog šŸ™‚


  3. I’m looking forward to reading this one. I don’t always read her blog since we tend to read different types of books, but her voice is so quirky and funny that I sometimes pop over just for a dose of it. It’s exciting that her book has been published–I’m so glad to see a rave review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, i hope you’ll like it!
      She posted some pics of the paperback and now i’m tempted to get it because it’s so pretty! There were some patterns on some pages. And since she mentioned there will be changes between the ARC and the final book i’m really curious


    1. Aww… *hugs* ā¤
      I don't really cry on books, dunno what's up with that, cuz i can cry on films, but i guess there were some moments in this book that'd make some people tear up.


  4. Awesome review! I’m glad you enjoyed this book so much. šŸ™‚ I love when you find a book that really makes you feel for the characters and root for them with all your heart. ā¤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow Norrie, the way you explained your experience with this book just makes me want to read it ASAP. Sounds like a special read to evoke those kind of emotions. Wonderful review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is kind of a special book! I don’t get emotional over books so easily. I don’t know why this is, cuz i can get emotional on films or series, like even on stuff like Gilmore Girls, haha.


    1. I hope you will like it! ā¤
      It came out today and i was like "ooo, i need to get it!", and the inner voice was like "calm down, you just read it. it's not going anywhere" šŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

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